Writing Portfolio: SIAM News

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is a professional organization covering people encompassing anyone who works in fields that apply mathematics in specifically non-math contexts, from biologist to computer scientists to engineers. I have contributed a number of feature articles to their trade publication, SIAM News, since 2018, using my own knowledge of math gained from years of physics research. While SIAM News articles include more math (including actual equations) than my usual writing, I try to aim most of the text for non-specialist readers, so people can read these articles and skim the material that’s too technical.

  1. Most recent contribution: The Turbulent Tale of Icy Clouds (March 1, 2024)
  2. Collective Organization in Cyanobacteria: How Earth’s Oldest Organisms Form “Active Spaghetti” (January 22, 2024)
  3. Wildebeest Self-organization via Active Matter Theory (November 1, 2023)
  4. Untangling Topology with California Blackworms (July 10, 2023)
  5. Neural Networks May Provide Warnings Ahead of Deadly Heat Waves (June 1, 2023)
  6. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Art (November 1, 2022)
  7. A Mathematical Tale of Fibers, Fluids, and Flagella (October 3, 2022)
  8. Multiscale Models Shed Light on Tuberculosis (October 3, 2022)
  9. The Mathematical Machinery That Makes Cells Move (September 1, 2022)
  10. Can Science Speak Truth to Power? (June 1, 2022)
  11. Protecting Privacy With Synthetic Data (May 2, 2022)
  12. Biological Near-symmetries Explain the Similarity and Diversity of Life (April 1, 2022)
  13. A Nonparametric Swiss Army Knife for Medicine (December 1, 2021)
  14. It’s Not the Heat, It’s the Rate: Rate-Inducted Tipping’s Relation to Climate Change (November 1, 2021)
  15. Is There an Artificial Intelligence in the House? (June 1, 2021)
  16. Balancing Homeostasis and Health (June 1, 2021)
  17. When Software Harms, What You Reap Is What You Sow (May 3, 2021)
  18. Ecological Transients and the Ghost of Equilibrium Past (May 3, 2021)
  19. The Aerodynamics and Biology of Insect Flight (November 2, 2020)
  20. The Forensics of Emerging Diseases (May 1, 2020)
  21. The Mathematical Fight for Voting Rights (April 1, 2020)
  22. The Threat of AI Comes from Inside the House (book review, January 27, 2020)
  23. Linking Extreme Weather to Climate Change (December 2, 2019)
  24. Using Differential Privacy to Protect the United States Census (October 1, 2019)
  25. Mathematical Modeling Gains Days for Brain Cancer Patients (July 1, 2019)
  26. Understanding Knowledge Networks in the Brain (January 28, 2019)
  27. The Serious Mathematics of Digital Animation (December 3, 2018)
  28. Untangling DNA with Knot Theory (October 1, 2018)
  29. Leopard Spots, Frog Eggs, and the Spectrum of Nonlinear Diffusion Processes (September 4, 2018)
  30. Competitive Adaptation Prevents Species from Eradicating Each Other (June 1, 2018)
  31. Self-organization in Space and Time (March 1, 2018)